A trust of the temple has been registered in accordance with the government rules, and the transactions audited regularly. A body of trustees comprised of Late Rajaram Vinayak Deshpande, Shri Ramesh Kamlakar Deshpande and Shri Amrit Deshpande was in existence during the pre-rejuvenation period of the temple. The trust was running into losses with very inadequate income and absolutely no maintenance and repairs.
The land owned by the temple authorities in Girvi was sold under compromise by the contemporary trusties a thirty ago and deposited the monetary returns in a bank. However, the settlement of the daily expenditure on the worship and allied expenses out of the meagre interest earned on the Fixed deposit had become a Herculean task. Thus the temple was facing a critical condition.
An immediate organisational and the functional change over was essential along with the rejuvenation of the temple. At the same time, it was in a critical and neglected condition which by favour of the Lord Gopalkrishna could be brought up to a favourable one after the accelerated action taken by the Deshpande couple (Mr Jayant & Mrs Sunita Deshpande).
A fresh managing body of the temple came into existence which comprised of the Deshpande couple, Shri Mukund Joshi with Shri Raghunath Deshpande as the General Secretary and Shri Nikhil Deshpande as the assistant Secretary, the inceptor of the new website of the temple in November 2011.
The then assistant charity commissioner. Shri Deodhar visited the temple in July 2006, followed by a visit of his successor in 2009 by Shri Tijare who expressed their satisfaction over the present management and rejuvenation of the temple.