Shri Baburao Maharaj used to accompany Shri Rao Rambhaji, a noble deployed with Adil Shah of Bijapur, when on a recovery tour within the surrounding villages. Shri Baburao Maharaj being a loyal and sincere devotee of the Lord Gopalkrishna, always took with him, a silver Shrine of Murlidhar and worshipped the same piously. He once considered in building a temple of the Lord Gopalkrishna at his village, Girvi and installing a Shrine carved in black basalt (Shaligram). However, he became quite impatient as the desired stone was not available anywhere, despite the hunt for years together. He still pursued his prayer to Lord Krishna.
On the third day of the bhajan, a call was herd, which followed for further few days. Baburao initiated an excavation by labours on the site, which in turn resulted in addressing a complaint straight to Adil Shah by some miscreants, who always are engaged in complaining against noble work. An officer visited the spot immediately and terminated the excavation. Baburao then rushed to Bijapur and applied to the king to seek royal permission for only to get a black stone (Shaligram) for Shrine. His intention of the excavation was not any wealth hunt.
As the king granted an instant consent to the excavation, the officer, also who had served a stay order for the excavation, extended the necessary assistance to Baburao. A black stone was viewed after digging for about 40 meters deep into the land. The huge stone was unearthed by digging sufficiently around and an application was submitted to king stating that the excavation has been terminated after the stone was available and kind permission may please be given to transport the same to his village (Girvi). The stone was brought to Girvi
Baburao inspected the stone to find out whether there is any shrine carved on it however such a mark was not observed, except a few lines pertaining to “Vishnu Marks”. The stone was taken to Girvi. At this juncture, he wanted stonemason (Murtikar) who could carve a Shrine, out of the stone. He tried his best to search the stonemason who could carve out the shrine as per his specifications, and that too without lifting the stone bifurcated.
Noticing Baburao’s straitened face the armless person assured him, though it is quite natural that you might doubt that how a pair of a blind and armless persons would be able to craft a Shrine, do not get worried, we won’t abandon the job incomplete, but one’s sight and other’s hands would work together. Baburao then elaborated them his specifications, showing them the stone. “Lord Krishna is standing on shiv playing the flute to which a couple of cows are listening with their attentive ears, and the Shrine should be one piece”.
The sculptors put two conditions, first that they would try their best to carve a Shrine within the stipulated time limit, which also required exclusive area, where they would cook food for themselves and second they aren’t disturbed by anybody till the completion of work.
Baburao provided the sculptors with independent accommodation, fuel and the essential commodities for cooking. The Shrine was craved out overnight! (in one single night). Baburao was invited to see the idol very next morning. Upon looking at the idol, he was very much delighted as all his expectations were fulfilled. He was pleased to see the same form (replica) of the Shrine that he worshipped daily, for years together, in his manas puja. He stared at the Shrine for a long time. He reliased that surely, his Gopalkrishna alone would have deputed the sculptors for this work.
This joint-less Shrine is about 4 feet high. The shrine is carved out where Lord Krishna is standing on one leg, while the other leg is touched only on its thumb: which indicates the sculptor’s marvellous skill. The face of this picturesque shrine is pleasant and charming. The eyes are large. There are all ornaments worn on the neck, hand and waist in the carved stone which resembles Lord Krishna’s description in Sheemat Bhagwat. The fingers of both the hands appear in such a way that they are playing the flute live. The style of the ornaments belonged to that of Gokul-Brindavan. The lines on the palms are visible clearly. The facial impression of both the cows reveals that they are fully listening with utmost concentration to the flute recital becoming one with it.
Four small human sketches are also visible on the ornamental strip out, of which, two belong to Jay and Vijay (door guard of Shree Vishnu), and the other two of them are believed to be sculptors. An additional speciality of this shrine is the rare display of the oneness of Hari (Vishnu) and Har (Shiva). Moreover, unlike in other temples, Shree Garuda and Hanumant are seen, standing in front of Lord Rama or Lord Krishna, this is the only place where Lord Shiv and Nandi are also installed in the temple in front, due to the union of Hari and Har.
Late Shri Ramkrishna Bua Kande, a senior ascetic and an excellent narrator of great mythological deeds of the god, has composed a glorious devotional music composition on the theme of this temple and presented in some cities.
This temple is called as the Brindavan of South India. As per the firm belief of Late Kande Bua, Acharya Priya Sharanji Maharaj, the best disciple of the spiritual guru of the world Shri Kripaluji Maharaj and several other Bhaktas of Lord Krishna.
After the first Darshan of the shrine, Baburao decided to honour the sculptors by offering them dress and also honorarium. However, they replied that it is the blessings of the Lord Gopalkrishna that shrine was up to his expectation and satisfaction. Artisans left for taking a bath in a well, located behind the temple, and promised to come back for food.
Baburao became impatient and restless as artisans did not turn up for a long time. He sent messengers to look out for the artsisans, but efforts went in vain. He concluded that the artisans were not the ordinary ones, but the Lord Vitthal and Gopal themselves would have done this great job in the disguise of the artisans.